Announcing the release of jekyll-asciidoc, a Jekyll plugin that converts AsciiDoc files in your site source to HTML pages using Asciidoctor. The jekyll-asciidoc gem was written by Dan Allen (@mojavelinux) and I have published the release 1.0.0 version to RubyGems.

Jekyll is a simple, blog-aware, static site generator, enabling you to convert plain text content into static websites and blogs. Until recently, Jekyll only supported Markdown (or Textile) formatted content.

Jekyll 2.0 introduced a new plugin type called a Converter that transforms any markup into HTML. This frees the writer up to compose content however she chooses, and Jekyll will just serve the final HTML. For example, you can write your posts in AsciiDoc, if that’s your thing.

Yes, that is my thing. This post is actually written in AsciiDoc and is being rendered using jekyll-asciidoc.

jekyll-asciidoc gem on RubyGems

GitHub doesn’t (yet) whitelist the AsciiDoc plugin, so you can only run it on your own machine. I set up a Travis CI job to automate publishing of this site to GitHub Pages.

Here’s the actual AsciiDoc content for this blog post. You can see the original file in my website source repository on GitHub.

- AsciiDoc
- Jekyll
excerpt: The jekyll-asciidoc gem has now been released and is available for download at RubyGems. Get it now, and add the richness of AsciiDoc markup to your Jekyll static site generation.
:title: Build Jekyll-Based Blogs & Websites with AsciiDoc
:layout: post
:date: 2015-01-05 11:40
:comments: true
:sharing: true

Announcing the release of[jekyll-asciidoc], a[Jekyll] plugin that converts AsciiDoc files in your site source to HTML pages using[Asciidoctor].
q:>[Start writing your web content in Jekyll using all the richness and clarity of AsciiDoc.]
The jekyll-asciidoc gem was written by Dan Allen ([@mojavelinux]) and I have[published the release 1.0.0 version to RubyGems].

Jekyll is a simple, blog-aware, static site generator, enabling you to convert plain text content into static websites and blogs. Until recently, Jekyll only supported[Markdown] (or[Textile]) formatted content.[How GitHub uses GitHub to document GitHub] announced:

Jekyll 2.0 introduced a new plugin type called a[Converter] that transforms any markup into HTML. This frees the writer up to compose content however she chooses, and Jekyll will just serve the final HTML. For example, you can write your posts in AsciiDoc, if that's your thing.

Yes, that _is_ my thing. This post is actually written in AsciiDoc and is being rendered using jekyll-asciidoc.

image:/assets/jekyll-asciidoc_rubygems.png[jekyll-asciidoc gem on RubyGems, 400, link=""]

TIP: GitHub doesn’t (yet) whitelist the AsciiDoc plugin, so you can only run it on your own machine. I set up a Travis CI job to automate publishing of this site to GitHub Pages.

Here's the actual AsciiDoc content for this blog post. You can see the original file in[my website source repository on GitHub].....

Updated 2015/1/12

The jekyll-asciidoc plugin is now included as an official plugin in the list of Converters on the Jekyll plugins page.

jekyll-asciidoc gem on Jekyll documentation plugins list

About the Author

Paul is a software design and development coach and mentor. He is available for consulting and training through his company, Virtual Genius LLC. He is the author of The EventStorming Handbook and major contributor to Behavior-Driven Development with Cucumber. He is also the founder and chair for the Explore DDD conference.